Culver City

Nicknamed Heart of the Screenland, Culver City CA is a beautiful  city centrally located in  the Westside. To the west is Marina Del Rey, Venice Beach, Playa Vista and part of Mar Vista. To the north Mar Vista, West Los Angeles, and  Beverly Hills.  To the south is Westchester, Inglewood  and Ladera Heights. To the East of Culver City is Los Angeles Mid City an up and coming neighborhood.



The median value of a home in Culver City is $1,100,000.00. The home prices in Culver City  have gone up over 10 percent in the past year and predicts the real estate listings and selling prices will go up by at least five percent in the next year. 

Contact Person

Griselda Espinoza
Ph. (310) 721-3652



Your dream home is waiting.